Simulation of the temperature processes in the «solar panel-cooler» system


  • V.R. Tarasov Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city
  • T.G. Sotnikova Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city
  • А.А. Asmankina Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city



thermal processes modeling, solar panels, renewable energy sources, Peltier element, measurement


The laboratory research results fluidizer is in-process presented air cooling, which uses sun energy in quality the source of feed. 20 experiments are conducted more than with active ventilation and without it in different times of year. The practical is got data and thermal processes are expected after formulas.. There was the formed conclusion, that to the Peltier element.

Humanity needs more energies, that is why a necessity appears for research and introduction of alternative energy sources. For example,  energy consumption in Ukraine was January-September, 2021 made by 86,2 billion kWh and for January-September, 2022 did make 92,2 billion kWh – it on 6,9% anymore. But every year this number (energy consumption) will grow, especially at the aggressor’s encroachments terms. This common power with every year will all heavier generate due to the fossil fuel: oil, coal, gas, uranium, and others. Due to information about "green technologies" Ukrainians began more active to set sun panels and alike facilities. For example, in 2021 year, about 15 000 users were set by sun batteries, the State agency from energy-savings press-service reports. This is almost twice as much as the year before. In total, by the end of 2021, about 45,000 families used solar panels.

The direct conversion of solar radiation into electricity method is, firstly, the most convenient for the consumer, since the most used type of energy is obtained, and, secondly, this method is considered an environmentally friendly means of obtaining electricity, unlike others that use organic fuel, nuclear raw materials or water resources.

The use of modern technologies will contribute not only to increasing the efficiency of greenhouse farming, but also to reducing the ecological impact on the environment.

The obtained data are useful and important for further use: the Peltier element has a low COP/EER, but in the absence of alternatives, its use is reasonable. Satisfactory results obtained - the installation was powered by solar energy, which makes other types of indoor cooling systems, in the future, independent of centralized power supply and/or mobile.


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