Аpplication of "theory of change" in strategizing development of public organizations
civil society, social needs, public requests, public organization, strategic planning, strategizing, development strategy, stages of strategizing, theory of change, stages of ,Abstract
The study proved that in the modern democratic world, public organizations as institutions of civil society are active participants in public processes. The development of public organizations in the long-term (strategic) perspective depends on proper multi-directional management, when the strategic goals of the functioning and development of both the public organization itself and various external strategic actors (players) related to its activities (public communities, government bodies) must be taken into account different levels, representatives of charitable institutions, representatives of business as employers and investors, representatives of advertising companies, mass media, etc.).Therefore, in matters of ensuring the long-term success of their activities, public organizations are suggested to turn to strategizing as a process of forming and implementing strategies for achieving specific goals or solving specific problem areas of social importance. It is proven that strategizing is a key element of development management, which determines how a public organization will identify public requests from target population groups, transform these requests into areas of its activity, develop and implement such areas through effective and targeted use of the resources involved.Two stages of strategizing are distinguished: the first stage is based on the research, understanding and formulation of public needs of citizens in the form of non-receipt or under-receipt of certain socially useful values; the second stage involves the generation of alternatives for solving problematic issues that have arisen in society, considering the interests of the public community and the public organization itself. In the implementation of the second stage of development strategy, it is proposed to apply the "theory of changes" as a tool for the formation of a special strategy within the framework of the main activity, which consists in satisfying a certain socially useful need of citizens.Approbation of the application of the "theory of changes" in strategizing the development of public organizations was carried out on the example of the educational-type public organization "Development Platform "SMR". Identified changes and their results that are in the field of activity of the public organization "Development Platform "SMR" and proposed a simplified example of a "results map" in the process of implementing the development strategy of the public organization "Development Platform "SMR" by activating the direction of solving the social problem "protection of human rights in business".
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