Study of the features and directions of the development of corporate social responsibility of agroholding in the conditions of wartime


  • O.Y. Chorna Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city
  • K.I. Sbitnieva Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city



corporate social responsibility, diagnostics, agroholding, wartime, strategy, analysis, sustainable development, volunteering, social projects, dynamics of growth, SWOT analysis


The article studies the essence of the concept and the main components of corporate social (more CSR)from the standpoint of general theoretical views of domestic and foreign scientists, definition of CSR of agricultural holding is provided,by which the authors of the article understand the CSR of agricultural holdings is a way of managing business processes, aimed at a positive impact on society, the environment, sustainable development of the region, improving the quality of life of the local population and, most importantly, at fostering patriotism and forming a socially responsible society

The features and significance of CSR of domestic agricultural holdings for society are substantiated. It is noted that under martial law, interaction with local communities becomes even more important, as stability and development of regions are closely related to CSR of agricultural holdings and enterprises. Initiatives aimed at social support and development, contribute to a positive impact on the image of the company and its relations with consumersinvestors and other stakeholders.This approach emphasizes the need for interaction between enterprises and communities to jointly achieve sustainable development.

In order to verify the research in practice, the article evaluates corporate social responsibilityand development trends at PRIVATE JOINT-STOCK COMPANY «MHP» (PrJSС «MHP»), one of the largest Ukrainian producers andexporters of agricultural productsoccupying a significant competitive position in the domestic market.Analyzed what the agricultural holding has implementedPrJSС «MHP», social responsibility projects and it is emphasized that the company actively implements innovative strategy, aimed at supporting local communities and their sustainable development.The study proved that the steady growth of agricultural holding revenuesPrJSС «MHP» during previous periods has created a solid foundation to ensure its active CSR andconcentration on the social component of sustainable development under martial law. Despite a full-scale war and a decrease in income in 2022 CSRPrJSС «MHP» on the contrary, it began to gain momentum, which indicates the high social responsibility of the agricultural holding and humanism.

An analysis of the requirements for CSR in the domestic society has been carried out and recommendations for expanding social programs have been developed, increasing transparency and cooperation with government and public structures, which further contribute to the sustainable development of the agricultural holding and the society.


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