Оne of the approaches to teaching the course «Reactive programming»


  • Yu.V. Polupan National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv city
  • P.Yu. Rodionov National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv city




reactive programming, reactive extensions, ReactiveX, Rx, RxJS, RxJava, Angular, React, framework, Observable, Observer, Sibscriber, Spring, TypeScript, JavaScript, high-load applications


Today's business needs a new type of software system that will no longer be sensitive to any demands. This needs can be satisfied by accepting reactive programming; However, the development of such systems is a complex task and requires a deep understanding of the subject matter. Therefore, for most classic coders, learning the fundamentals of a reactive approach when creating high-value add-ons is an urgent task.

The discipline “Reactive Programming” is included in the complex of thorough, continuous training of specialists in the major program “Software Information Systems Engineering”, specialty 121 “Software Engineering”. In the structural-logical scheme, the initial discipline is taught at the stage of training of fakivts of the educational qualification level “bachelor”. The discipline is based on the knowledge, skills and intelligence acquired by students in the disciplines “Fundamentals of Programming”, “Fundamentals of Computer Systems and Measurements”, “Parallel Computing Technologies”, “Functional Programming”.

However, there are many approaches to the development of reactive programming. You can look at a more theoretical basis, including behavioral patterns such as Observer and Iterator, which underlie reactivity, and you can look at reactivity in a practical sense, including ready-made tools (reactive extensions and frameworks), this is how independent and highly productive reactive additives are created.

In this article, one of the approaches of the discipline “Reactive Programming” is grounded in the most basic principles, and tools are provided for a more effective understanding of the basic principles of reactivity. With this discipline, a more practical approach is adopted using the Angular web-framework, which is based on the RxJS library with its ability to create reactive code. With this, students will begin to develop asynchronous clicks for an additional impersonal approach and create web add-ons that use the popular Angular framework from Google.

The popularity of the framework is due to several important aspects, the main of which can be called ease of use for the developer. Programs in Angular are written smoothly, the code has a clear structure. Angular is suitable for writing add-ons for a variety of platforms, it has a large initial base and great flexibility, so you can connect third-party tools and modules that expand the already great functionality.


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