Problems of forming competitive regional innovation systems
innovation system, region, competitiveness, development, strategy, enterpriseAbstract
The creation of conditions for the development ofintegrated research, education and business complexeswill be possible through the interaction of political,regulatory, economic, social and cultural factors.Political conditions are determined at the state level. Atthe same time, the integration of education, science andinnovative business has faced some problems, inparticular, related to governance. Therefore, the maintask at present is to ensure real integration in thesesectors in order to ensure innovative transformations notonly in the economy but also in society as a whole, andthe ministry should restructure the management of theseareas to adequately meet this task. For example, theproject to modernize universities envisages that theyshould become a place where people are trained toperceive innovative ideas, to be formed into specialists ina new way, and to be the driving force behind innovativedevelopment. It has also become clear that it is necessaryto move from training specialists in mass professions totraining specialists capable of ensuring the operation ofmodernized enterprises and enterprises that useinnovative technologies aimed at producing innovativeproducts. The vocational education system has alreadybegun to restructure in this direction, with resourcecenters emerging that bring together primary, secondary,and higher vocational education institutions to build achain of training for all levels of personnel focused onadvanced manufacturing. At the present stage, theproblems of integrated formation and development ofscience and education are being solved, but themechanism of systemic influence through the creation ofintegrated regional research and education complexes -research (leading) universities of a new type - is not used.The experience of implementing integration processes ofacademic and university science and production showsthat the development of a specific model and itsorganizational and legal formalization require resolvingthe issues of identifying the lead organization and coexecutors,which will determine the type of integrationmodel, scientific, educational, social, environmental andother problems to be solved. In this case, it is importantto choose the organizational and legal form ofinteraction between the structures formed as part of thenew entity, the distribution of responsibilities of allparticipants in addressing issues of staffing, inventoryand equipment, financing for each participant through aninterconnected system of legal documents andregulations, reporting, etc.
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