Imbalances and contradictions in income policy that destabilize the quality of working life


  • О.О. Khandii Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city
  • Y.А. Ivchenko Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city



income, wages, taxes, budget, indexation, labor resources


The article examines the policy of income and labor remuneration in Ukraine in the current conditions of martial law.  Despite the recovery, the war has led to a reduction in jobs and incomes, investments, a decrease in purchasing power and accumulated assets, and an outflow of labor. The article reveals imbalances and contradictions that destabilize the quality of working life. The gaps between the subsistence minimum and the average wage are analyzed. It is determined that the subsistence minimum in Ukraine does not show how much money one needs to earn to support oneself and meet basic needs, but only serves as a basis for calculating social benefits and wages in the public sector according to the tariff scale. The author identifies the gap between the legally established and actual subsistence minimum, which remains at a high level. The ratio of the minimum wage to the average wage is analyzed. The study determines that the gap between the minimum wage and the average wage reaches the recommended level not through proportional growth, but by restraining the growth of both indicators. The ratio of the minimum wage to the average wage in 2022-2023 was 49.0-53%, while the ratio recommended by the International Labor Organization and the World Bank is 50-60%. The relationship between the increase in the minimum wage and the corresponding level of inflation is investigated, which will increase taxes, reduce investment, increase the budget deficit and further inflation and increase the cost of credit resources, and counteract the recovery. The author analyzes the tariff system of labor remuneration and identifies discriminatory formation of salaries of the first 12 grades of the Unified Tariff Scale (UTS). The non-competitiveness of labor remuneration in Ukraine compared to labor remuneration in European countries is identified as a deterrent to migrants' decision to return to Ukraine. The dynamics of wage arrears over 6 years and gender pay gaps are analyzed. Based on the results of the study, gender pay gaps are identified. Martial law imposes new demands on the labor market regarding the creation of safe working conditions


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