Strategic management and investment and logistics strategy in the conditions of war in Ukraine: challenges and opportunities
strategic management, investment and logistics strategy, business, logistics, logistics channels, export, import, national security, economic interests, risks, warAbstract
The article examines the influence of strategic management on the effectiveness of the investment and logistics strategy in the conditions of the war in Ukraine. Challenges faced by enterprises in conflict conditions are analyzed, as well as opportunities for optimization of management processes and strategic planning are considered. Important aspects of strategic management and development of investment and logistics strategies in conditions of instability and conflicts are outlined.
The purpose of developing an investment-logistics strategy in the conditions of war in Ukraine is to ensure the continuity and stability of business processes and investment portfolios. This strategy is aimed at optimizing the use of resources, minimizing risks and ensuring compliance of business processes with ethical and legal standards, which includes the search for new opportunities for investment and development in conditions of military conflict.
The conditions of the war in Ukraine create complex challenges for strategic management and investment-but-logistics strategy. Economic instability, risks accompanying armed conflict and the surrounding need for security measures create a unique environment that requires a specialized approach to management and planning of investment and logistics strategies.
Modern strategic management of logistics and innovation plays an important role in the development of enterprises. Innovation in logistics covers various aspects, such as the use of advanced technologies, the introduction of new methods of inventory management, the optimization of deliveries and the use of the latest transport solutions.
Strategic management of logistics and innovations includes the search and implementation of innovative approaches to the management of logistics processes in order to improve efficiency and competitiveness.
The development and application of an investment-logistics strategy allows enterprises to increase the speed and accuracy of logistics processes, reduce storage and transportation costs, improve the level of customer service and take a more competitive position on the market.
Logistics is a necessary component and an important tool in the modern economy. Due to the military conflict in Ukraine, many existing supply chains ceased to function. Therefore, there is a problem of developing an effective system of their restoration and management. In 2023, the Ukrainian logistics sector as a whole recovered after the "shock" caused by the start of a full-scale war at the end of February 2022, but remains facing serious challenges in the domestic market.
This article is devoted to the analysis of challenges and opportunities that arise in the context of strategic management and the development of an investment and logistics strategy in the conditions of war in Ukraine.
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