Analysis and justification of a machine for surface tillage with needle tillage tools


  • H.V. Fesenko Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city
  • V.I. Kurlov Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city



machine, tillage, structure, needle, aggregate, soil, requirements


The realization of the biopotential of crops is closely related to the conditions of their cultivation, which are created primarily by surface tillage with agricultural machinery. The need for surface tillage is manifested both at the beginning and in the process of growing crops, which requires the use of appropriate tillage machines, which include machines with needle tillage tools. The performance of such machines largely depends on their design features and soil conditions at the appropriate stage of the crop growing season. At the same time, machines with needle tillage tools create conditions for maintaining capillarity in the root layer of the soil, which helps to preserve its structure and, consequently, fertility. At the same time, surface tillage with machines with needle tillage tools in production conditions does not always meet the agrotechnical requirements for restoring soil structure. It has been established that during surface tillage with well-known machines with needle tillage tools, the needles, moving in the downward direction when immersed in the soil, deviate from their previous position in the direction of machine movement, which leads to the destruction of soil aggregates with the formation of mainly non-structural particles that are not agronomically valuable for the soil. Based on this, analytical and theoretical studies, as well as creative research on machines with needle tillage tools, the direction of increasing the efficiency of their surface tillage is to improve the needle tillage tools of a tillage machine, which create favorable conditions for the destruction of soil aggregates with the formation of mainly structural particles that are agronomically valuable for the soil. As a result of creative searches, a technical solution was found for such a machine in the form of a surface tillage cultivator, in which the needles of the working body, immersed in the soil, do not deviate from their previous position, which creates conditions for the destruction of soil aggregates only by splitting them with the formation of mainly macrostructural particles that are agronomically valuable for the soil, and therefore for the growth and development of crops.


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