Оptimization of solar panel placement for maximum production capacity


  • R.Yu. Rychka LLC «SUN STREET GROUP», Dnipro city




solar panels, location optimization, production capacity, solar energy, shadow analysis, renewable energy sources, monitoring technologies


Solar energy, as one of the clean and renewable resources, holds significant potential to meet the growing global demand for energy and to reduce the negative impact on the environment. This article explores methods to enhance the efficiency of solar energy production, emphasizing that despite the increasing focus on solar energy in scientific research and its substantial potential for development in Ukraine, this issue remains insufficiently explored and studied. Moreover, the relevance of this topic is substantiated in the context of the need for rapid and high-quality restoration of critical infrastructure damage due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The article provides a comprehensive review of existing approaches to studying factors affecting the efficiency of solar panels, such as the angle of incidence of sunlight, the quality of materials for manufacturing panels, uniformity of illumination, level of atmospheric pollution, etc. The research supports the hypothesis that optimal performance of solar panels is achieved under conditions where sunlight falls perpendicularly to the panel, in the absence of shading or dirt on their surface. The study offers experimental proposals to support the use of tracking systems to maximize the efficiency of solar panels by adjusting the angle of inclination of the panels throughout the day. Additionally, the research examines two main strategies for reducing the cost of solar electricity production: reducing the cost of solar modules and increasing the efficiency of energy collection. Moreover, the negative effect of shading on panels and its impact on technical and economic indicators is investigated, revealing that even partial shading can lead to a significant decrease in the efficiency of a solar power plant. The work concludes that the implementation of tracking systems not only increases the productivity of solar power plants but also shortens the payback period of investments in their construction. This research aims to support the ongoing discussion on the use of renewable energy sources, offering viable solutions for enhancing the efficiency of solar energy systems by optimizing the placement of solar panels for their maximum productivity, which is critically important for ensuring sustainable development and energy security.


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14. Sun Street is a US-based holding company specialized in the consolidation of three key divisions: European windows and doors, solar panel installation, and kitchen furniture. Оfficial website. URL: https://sunstreetusa.com/

