Influence of the activation function of a linear neural network on the approximation of data from the main control channels of the acetic acid synthesis reactor


  • O.V. Porkuian Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city
  • Zh.G. Samojlova Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city



neural networks, error back propagation, reactor


Artificial neural networks are built according to the principles of organization and functioning of their biological counterparts. They can solve a wide range of tasks of pattern recognition, identification, forecasting, optimization of management of complex objects. Further improvements in computer performance are increasingly associated with artificial neural networks, in particular neurocomputers. Nowadays, there are more intelligent systems for controlling technological processes in the chemical industry, which solve the tasks of adaptation, self-learning, and self-adjustment. To solve the problem of controlling technological processes in the chemical industry, multilayer linear neural networks with backpropagation of the error are used. To build a multilayer network, activation functions of the log (logsig) or hyperbolic tangent (tansig) type are often used for the intermediate layer, and a linear activation function (purelin) is used for the final layer.

In this work, statistical data of a real reactor for the synthesis of acetic acid, which works in a stationary mode in an acetic acid workshop, was used to construct and study the properties of a neural network. MATLAB 2021 software simulator environment was used for simulation. This program is recommended for simulating different neural networks with different number of neurons and different type of activation function.

In this work, a linear neural network with backpropagation of error with a fixed number of neurons of the first layer along the main control channels of the acetic acid synthesis reactor was constructed and investigated. The work investigated the influence of the activation functions of the first layer and the final layer of the neural network on the approximation of the data of the acetic acid synthesis reactor.

The architecture of the neural network, the first layer contains 23 neurons. The activation function of neurons changes. First it's the hardlim function, then the tansig function, then the logsig function and purelin. The second layer contains one neuron also with different activation functions: hardlim, tansig, logsig and purelin. Input change range [8900-9800].

Neural network modeling using MATLAB 2021 showed the success of the process of building and training a neural network and its satisfactory quality, which will allow the use of neural networks to control the technological processes of acetic acid synthesis and the prospects for further research in this direction.


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