Nterchangeable spindle heads of machining centers with modernized connecting elements


  • O.S. Krol Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city
  • P. Tsankov Faculty of Technics and Technology, Trakian University, Bulgaria




spindle head, 3D modeling, machining center, gear coupling, circular tooth profile


The process of 3D modeling of the drive of the main movement of the machining center with variable forming spindle heads and modified gear couplings is considered. Presented are three-dimensional models of OC forming units intended for various technological operations using methods of drilling, milling, and boring of complex body parts. The effectiveness of the use of new functions: the boundary representation of the B-rep geometry and the three-dimensional operation "Cutting", adapted for the construction of 3D models of the body parts of the drive and spindle heads, is shown. The Kompas Gears mechanical transmission calculation module is used, in which geometric modeling and strength calculations of cylindrical and conical gears and gear couplings are implemented in the process of 3D modeling. It is noted that when applying the three-dimensional operation of construction of tooth crowns by the method of imitation of tooth milling, an increase in the speed of profiling of the working surfaces of the toothed engagement is achieved. The idea of improving the design of gear couplings based on the criterion of minimizing the load capacity, which are used to connect the drive shafts of the machining center with the shafts of the vertical, horizontal and angular spindle heads, is put forward. It is proposed to replace the classic cylindrical profile of the working surface of the tooth with an internal conical engagement of teeth with a circular profile. An analytical calculation of the main geometric characteristics of the modified tooth profile of gear couplings was made. The tooth length ratio for standard and modified designs is introduced as a criterion for assessing the level of bending stresses in the contact zone. The assumption is substantiated that the calculated values of the tooth shape factor for the case of involute engagement differ little when considering the circular profile of the modified coupling within the working height of the turn on the dividing diameter. The impact of the tooth shape factor on the reduction of the contact voltage level was noted. An experimental calculation of the complex coefficient of voltage reduction for the modified design of the gear coupling was implemented.


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