Wear resistance research abrasive granules


  • Т.О. Shumakova Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city
  • A.P. Nikolaenko Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city




vibrational processing, tool, abrasive granule, wear, productivity


The article provides an in-depth analysis of formulas used to determine the wear of abrasive granules during vibrational processing of parts in a free abrasive environment. The results from experimental studies examining the wear of granules of different shapes over a 240-minute period are presented. The shapes tested were cones, pyramids with a square base, non-convex hexagons, non-convex octagons, and pyramids with a non-convex hexagon base resembling a "Maltese cross." The study carefully analyzed the wear patterns and rates of these granules to understand their performance under vibrational stress. It was found that abrasive granules of different shapes (with the same components and mass) wear differently under the influence of the same vibrations. Pyramidal granules with a non-convex octagon base and those in the form of a "Maltese cross" exhibited the highest wear rates, being 10% and 24% higher, respectively, compared to cones. These specific shapes are less durable under identical processing conditions. Cones, pyramids with a square base, and pyramids with a non-convex hexagon base showed less intensive wear, with wear rates being 2% and 7% higher than cones, respectively. These shapes were more effective at retaining their structural integrity and geometric shape over the duration of the processing period. To achieve higher wear resistance, the internal angles of the granules' edges should be between 47° and 135°, based on the studied granules' geometry. This range of angles appears to provide the best balance between durability and effectiveness in the vibrational processing environment. Acute angles of 60° are found to be optimal, as smaller angles result in increased wear, whereas larger angles lead to lower granule productivity. The precise angle of 60° helps in maintaining the structural integrity of the granules while allowing them to function effectively without wearing out too quickly. This comprehensive study underscores the critical role of granule shape and geometric properties in determining wear rates and processing efficiency during vibrational processing applications.


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