2D modeling of magnetic induction in multivariate calculations of matrices of poly gradient electromagnetic separators


  • J.A. Romanchenko Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city




magnetic separation, ferromagnetic impurities, polygradient electromagnetic separator, magnetic field, magnetic induction, 2D and 3D modeling


The article substantiates the use of 2D modeling of magnetic induction in multivariate calculations of polygradient matrices of electromagnetic separators.It is shown that the use of two-dimensional models is based on certain assumptions regarding the boundary conditions and the nature of magnetic field distribution in the working gaps, without requiring significant computational resources and calculation time.A combined approach to carrying out multivariate calculations of magnetic induction in the working area of an electromagnetic separator, based on using the advantages of finite element analysis in both two-dimensional and three-dimensional formulations is presented.For determination of the vector magnetic potential at the boundaries of two-dimensional computational domains, studies by magnetic field spatial distribution in the working spaces of the separator matrix were carried out. For this purpose, three separator options were selected by random sampling, differing in the geometric parameters of the polygradient matrices.For sampled models, the air gap varies over a fairly wide range. Other initial data during modeling for the three options remained unchanged.Three-dimensional computer models were constructed and numerical values of the vector magnetic potential at the computational domains boundaries were obtained. 2D modeling of calculated models of three options with accepted limit conditions was carried out.Comparatively, The calculating results of magnetic induction values are compared, that obtained respectively from 2D and 3D modeling. The comparison results are presented in the form of tables and graphs. The relative error in calculating of the magnetic field for three options was found.It is shown that the vector magnetic potential values that obtained from 3D modeling for the adopted three options of electromagnetic systems can be used for analysis, processing and calculations of magnetic induction in 2D modeling.The calculation of magnetic induction in 2D modeling was verified, which made it possible to reduce the time costs associated with 3D modeling and thus increase the computational efficiency of calculations in general.


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