Оptimization of marketing and advertising costs as a means of innovative marketing policy of the enterprise
marketing, advertising, marketing policy, marketing innovation, innovative marketing policy of the enterpriseAbstract
The article emphasizes that marketing and advertising are important aspects of any business, but they often involve significant costs. It is noted that the optimization of marketing and advertising costs is an element of the company's innovative marketing policy, allowing more efficient use of resources and the implementation of innovative strategies. Businesses that effectively optimize their costs have an advantage over their competitors. It is noted that the main aspects that can lead to problems in optimizing marketing and advertising costs are: lack or insufficient data on the effectiveness of advertising campaigns; insufficient targeting of advertising; low quality of advertising content; wrong choice of advertising channels; unstable market conditions; incorrect pricing policy strategy; inconsistency and insufficient monitoring. It is emphasized that in order to optimize the costs of marketing and advertising, it is necessary to implement a system of prompt obtaining of information on the effectiveness of both individual marketing measures and marketing activities in general. It is noted that monitoring the work of marketers is objective only if the rule is followed: "Planning with clear quantitative indicators is necessary." It is proposed to distinguish three main stages of evaluating the work of marketers when implementing an innovative marketing policy of an enterprise, namely: 1st stage - setting tasks, which includes studying the organization, determining goods/services that give profit, studying counterparties, monitoring the information field, drawing up a budget for advertising and marketing; Stage 2 – evaluation of results, which involves setting planned values (indicators in budgets), calculating the effectiveness of advertising costs, evaluating the quality of work with consumers (this indicator can be measured using a survey of the target audience), the level of advertising awareness, i.e. understanding how much employees know the market situation, informed about new products and activities of competitors; Stage 3 – preparation of the program of corrective measures, which involves the development of a plan of corrective measures for the future period, the appointment of those responsible for their implementation, and the establishment of specific deadlines for the correction of non-conformities. The program should include those actions that will help to eliminate the identified negative aspects of the work of the marketing service. It is emphasized that the optimization of marketing and advertising costs requires a systematic approach and constant analysis of results to ensure the maximum effectiveness of the company's innovative marketing policy.
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