The influence of the physical and mechanical characteristics of the material of machine-building products on their wear resistance
vibration treatment, wear resistance, friction, vibronail, microhardness, surface layer, amplitude, frequency of oscillationsAbstract
The article substantiates the need to increase the durability of machine parts and technical products, in order to ensure the competitiveness of the domestic engineering industry. The key role in improving operational characteristics is played by the quality of the surface layer of parts and assemblies. The main characteristics of the surface layer of parts include the hardness and wear resistance of the material from which they are made. An analysis of common technological methods of increasing the wear resistance of machine parts by means of plastic deformation of the surface and their comparison with the method of vibroabrasive processing performed on machines with a U-shaped container is presented. It is emphasized that the versatility of the equipment for maintenance and repair provides the possibility of carrying out with its help a number of operations, such as cleaning, finishing, including strengthening. Since the physical nature of strengthening is not fully understood, and more than 50 factors affect the process of vibroabrasive processing, which complicates its analytical description, experimental research is an urgent task. The article presents the results of a number of studies of the process of forming vibro rivets and the parameters affecting the change in the microhardness of the surface layer during vibration processing. The study of such parameters as amplitude, frequency of oscillations, working environment was carried out. Analysis of the results of the study of the influence of the amplitude and frequency of oscillations showed that with an increase in the amplitude and frequency of oscillations, an increase in the microhardness of the surface layer is noted. These results are explained by the increase in microimpact forces of the granules of the working medium, which affect the treated surface of the samples. The graphs presented in the article show the results of studies of the influence of the working environment on the change in the microhardness of the surface layer of the samples. Hardened steel balls, porcelain balls, and abrasive pellets were used as the working media to be compared. The results of experimental studies of the influence of vibration processing on the wear resistance of mechanical engineering products in the conditions of surface friction are presented.
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