Modern reactive power compensation systems in municipal electrical networks


  • N.M. Filimonenko Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city
  • K.V. Filimonenko Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city



reactive power compensation, power supply system, municipal electrical networks, inductive reactive power, reliability of power supply systems


The article is devoted to the most rational, effectiveand relevant devices for reactive power (RP)compensation in urban electrical networks, consideringtheir features. The place of installation of the device forcompensation and optimization of its operating modes inthe existing power supply system plays a significant role.Reactive power compensation in the network solvesseveral problems, in particular, reducing power andelectricity losses; improving electricity qualityindicators; increase network bandwidth. There are manymethods of reactive power compensation, but thisproblem remains relevant. With the development oftechnology and, as a consequence, the increase inelectricity consumption, it becomes appropriate tocompensate for reactive power in household consumers.Currently, there is an increase in the consumption ofreactive power by consumers of urban electricitynetworks. The main reasons for this situation are: thegrowing magnitude and probabilistic nature of reactivepower consumption by urban electricity networksconsumers; lack of technical and methodological supportfor measures to compensate for reactive power inelectrical distribution networks; low efficiency of cosinecapacitors for reactive power compensation in PC due tothe difference between the laws of voltage regulation andreactive power. Ensuring the reliability of electricitysupply to power systems, networks of industrialenterprises, infrastructure of cities and towns is centralboth in operation and in planning design decisions. Oneof the important components of ensuring the reliabilityand quality of electricity supply is the compensation ofRP in household consumers. Taking into account eventhe calculated values of power coefficients in regulations,compensation of reactive power at non-industrialfacilities today is not just financially and technicallyfeasible, but critically necessary. The choice of how toincrease the power factor cosϕ should be professionaland carried out by a specialized company. Any measuresto compensate for reactive power should be carried outonly after the energy audit of the facility (or networksegment), which will determine the actual power factorsof the equipment and select the optimal installation.


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