Study of the dynamic loadsinfluence in wheel to rail contact on the maximum coupling coefficient
wheel-motor unit, coupling coefficient, dynamics coefficient, coefficient of reserve for coupling, slidingAbstract
When researching traction qualities using mathematical models, a number of assumptions are made when simulating locomotive skidding, and as a result, existing models do not take into account the real conditions of locomotive movement, which are accompanied by the dynamic interaction of wheel pairs with rails, when a number of factors appear that significantly reduce the maximum of traction coefficient of the locomotive in relation to the physical, as a result of which there is a need to account for both experimental and theoretical studies of crew movement modes that have not been established.The article proposes a scientifically based methodology for assessing the impact of dynamic loads that occur in the contact of the wheel with the rail during locomotive movement, which most accurately describes the behavior of the real crew, and corresponds to the existing norms according to the criteria of vertical and horizontal dynamics, as well as indicators of movement stability and at the same time, due to the correct simplification and the introduction of reasonable assumptions, it is quite simple to conduct research on a PC. Dependencies were obtained that allow to illustrate the influence of the vertical dynamics coefficient and relative horizontal sliding on the traction qualities of the locomotive.The analysis of the obtained dependencies showed that with an increase in the speed of the wheel-motor unit movement (WMU), the coefficient of vertical dynamics and relative horizontal slips grow. At the same time, the greater the rigidity of the connection between the body and the locomotive carriage, the smaller the horizontal transverse sliding of the wheel pair in the rail track. The coefficient of reserve for coupling decreases with increasing speed of movement, which is caused by an increase in the fluctuations of the vertical dynamic load and relative horizontal sliding. At the same time, with an increase in the turning moment, the influence of speed on the clutch margin ratio becomes less significant. Thus, with an increase in the speed of the WMU movement, and therefore with an increase in the fluctuations of the vertical dynamic load and the relative horizontal sliding of the wheel pair on the rails, the coefficient of reserve for coupling decreases significantly.The presented dependences of changes in the coefficient of reserve for coupling depending on the vertical dynamics coefficient, as well as on the relative horizontal transverse sliding show that with an increase in the dynamics coefficient, the coefficient of reserve for coupling decreases by 4.5 %, and with an increase in the relative lateral sliding it decreases from 0.97 to 0.92.
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