Issues of formation of safety-oriented management in organizations


  • M.R. Halhash Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city



security-oriented management, organization management, conflicts, internal environment, external environment, management, typology, hypothesis


It was determined that during military conflicts, economic crises, natural disasters, uncertain risks, etc., issues related to the security of organizations are the most relevant. The relevance of the study of the subject area on the formation of safety-oriented management in organizations is shown. It is substantiated that security-oriented organizations in unstable conditions are guarantors of the functioning of the general national economy, as well as guarantors of economic stability and financial stability. The main principles and problems of the formation of safety-oriented management in organizations are defined. Various models of management based on the corporate culture of both individual countries and certain enterprises are presented. The relationship between the management model and the form of ownership of the enterprise is defined.

The areas of implementation of the safety-oriented management system in organizations and the scope of conflicts within the organization, from the point of view of different approaches to the management system, are determined. Factors affecting the security orientation of management have been identified, in particular, different approaches to innovation in the activities of executives and units, different views on the criterion of increasing the value of the enterprise, and different natures of organizational culture. Working research hypotheses regarding the influence of key factors on the safety orientation of the enterprise are formulated.

The expediency of the analysis of security-oriented management based on the conceptual provisions of classical, neoclassical, institutional, and neo-institutional economic schools and relevant theoretical concepts is justified. It is shown that contradictions and conflicts between the organization's management may arise within organizations, which are caused by the different nature of relations with the environment of the organization's functioning and the rational ratio of the security and market components of the enterprise's development. The structuring of the subjects of the organization's management is proposed and three types are distinguished: with the dominance of orientation on the external environment (SMDOEE); with the dominance of orientation to the internal environment (SMDOIE); without a dominant orientation (SMDOEE).


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