Аnalysis and systematisation of the influence of risks on the innovation and investment activities of the enterprise in the conditions of post-conflict transformation
analysis, systematization, innovation risks, investment risks, business risks, post-conflict transformationsAbstract
Despite the fact that the situation in Ukraine's economy remains challenging, as the economic environment does not create reliable preconditions for economic growth, economic and social problems continue to persist, deepen and exacerbate. The country's economy is currently characterized by a pronounced raw material-based economy with an underdeveloped manufacturing industry. Ensuring qualitative transformational changes in the economy is not possible without consistent capital accumulation of enterprises on a simple and expanded basis. The tools used by domestic enterprises (traditional instruments and methods) to manage innovation and investment activities are imperfect, as they do not allow timely identification and forecasting of possible risks, accurate assessment of the decline in innovation and investment potential and economic sustainability of enterprises. Identification of the cause and effect relationships of crisis phenomena ensures the implementation of the anti-crisis management mechanism in a transformational economy. For successful innovation and investment activities of an enterprise in the context of post-conflict transformation, a qualitative analysis and systematization of the impact of risks is necessary. The aim of the article is to analyze and systematize the impact of risks on the innovation and investment activity of enterprise in the context of post-conflict transformation. To achieve this goal, all types of risks of innovation and investment activity were systematized according to certain features and depicted schematically. The article analyses approaches to risk definition, investment risks, innovation risks, specific risks, innovation risks according to the subject of innovation, and risks of entrepreneurial activity. It is noted that the analysis of risk impact contributes to the further development of the theory of riskology. It is concluded that systematization of the impact of risks on the innovation and investment activities of enterprise in the context of post-conflict transformation is necessary to formalize the risk management processes at enterprises. The author notes that in the context of military conflict and post-conflict transformations, new types of risks may arise, so this issue requires further research.
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