The role of the innovation ecosystem as a tool for innovation development


  • D.V. Fomenko Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city
  • О.M. Nizhnikov Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city
  • V.S. Pimenov Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city



innovation ecosystem, innovation development, innovation processes, industrial enterprises, developments, potential


The development of various industrial sectors is one ofthe priority tasks of the state, the solution of which is toimprove the quality and life expectancy of the population.According to the authors of the article, an innovationecosystem should be understood as an open dynamicsystem that provides collaborative forms of interaction between actors, taking into account the non-hierarchical relationships that have developed within the institutional ecosystem of enterprises, regions, and countries acting inthe direction of sustainable advanced innovativedevelopment based on modern technological concepts.Modern innovation ecosystems are created and functionto overcome individual limitations, maximise resourceuse, and distribute risks and costs to better achievecommon goals. This approach differs from the traditionalones in that it takes into account the current level ofeconomic development, taking into account the processesof digital transformation of all spheres of activity andprovides an integrated approach to the formation of aninnovation ecosystem.

The article concludes that industry is currentlydeveloping as a traditional innovation system. The analysis of different views and main approaches tounderstanding innovation ecosystems allowed to identifythe advantages of ecosystems in comparison withtraditional innovation systems and to justify the need todevelop industry as an innovation ecosystem. A moredetailed study was carried out on the basis of market datafor various types of equipment. These conclusions wereconfirmed when analysing the prerequisites for theformation of an innovation ecosystem based on theresults of the analysis of the current state of theequipment market. A number of systemic problems canbe identified that are common to all stages of productionand circulation of various products: limited financialresources of manufacturers for development (researchand development, sales and promotion of products);scientific and technological lagging behind the level ofworld leaders; difficulty in commercialisingdevelopments.

These problems have a complex impact on thedevelopment of the industry as a whole and its individual product segments. Eliminating these constraints will helpcreate favourable conditions for the machinery marketand unlock its potential.


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