Formation of an innovative ecosystem of entrepreneurship in the conditions of the digital economy


  • S.V. Kyrylenko West Ukrainian National University



ecosystem of entrepreneurship, digitalization, transformational changes, digitaleconomy, digital technologies, globalization, innovative infrastructure, infrastructural changes, financial instruments, innovative entrepreneurship, high-techmarket, innovative development, innovative activity


Entering the era of digital technologies, enterprisesface new challenges and opportunities. Moderninnovative ecosystems must provide flexibility, speed ofreaction to market changes and the ability to quicklyintroduce new technologies. Creating a favorableenvironment for the development of startups, supportinginnovative initiatives and adapting to new forms ofbusiness interaction is also an important aspect. We notethat the digital economy, with its rapid pace of changeand new opportunities, opens new horizons forenterprises to implement innovations, optimize businessprocesses and create new values. That is why thepresented work is relevant and considers the mainfeatures of the modern entrepreneurial ecosystem. Thepurpose of the work is to determine the main componentsof the process of forming the entrepreneurship ecosystemin the conditions of the digital economy, the analysis ofthe components of the modern entrepreneurshipecosystem and possible ways of further development. Themain methods of the current research were: analysismethod, comparative method, observation method,logical method, induction and deduction methods,synthesis method, graphical and tabular methods forschematically and structured presentation of the mainelements of the work. The formation of an innovativeecosystem in the conditions of the digital economyinvolves the integration of technological, organizationaland social innovations that can transform traditionalbusiness models and create new approaches to themanagement and development of enterprises. Thisprocess requires close interaction between governmentstructures, business, scientific and educationalinstitutions, as well as the active involvement of startupsand entrepreneurs in the creation and implementation ofinnovative solutions. Thus, the formation of an innovativeecosystem of entrepreneurship in the conditions of thedigital economy is a complex and multifaceted processthat requires a comprehensive approach and activecooperation between all participants in the economicchain. The study and analysis of these processes will helpnot only to understand modern trends, but also toeffectively use the opportunities that the digital economyopens up for enterprises and society as a whole.


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