Some aspects of state support of innovation processes in the region


  • Y.I. Klius Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city
  • D.V. Fomenko Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city
  • Shi Guangming Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city



innovation processes, government programmes, support, region, development


The development of innovative activity of economicentities is one of the main objectives of the state policy.State instruments for support and development ofinnovation activity should provide support at all stagesof the innovation life cycle, from idea generation tosuccessful commercialisation of innovative products, andthe maximum effect will be achieved only taking intoaccount the integration of all participants of theinnovation process - from scientists and entrepreneursinnovatorsto venture funds and innovative enterprises.The innovation economy, based on scientific knowledgeand intellectual potential, is able to ensure the expandedreproduction of knowledge-intensive gross product ofboth the region and the country as a whole.

The development of innovation processes is impossiblewithout the generation of new ideas, knowledge, projectinitiation at the initial stages of the innovation cycle, andwithout the use of venture capital investments at the finalstages. This problem is most difficult to solve in theregions, due to significant differences in their socioeconomicdevelopment, level of competence of scientificschools, sectoral specifics, level of concentration ofindustrial potential, including due to insufficientjustification of the directions of further development ofregions - innovation leaders. In order to support subprocessesrelated to resource provision, regionalauthorities can, on the basis of budgetary resources, forminnovation infrastructure institutions, such as: businessincubators, business accelerators, seed funds,technoparks, etc.; finance various innovation projects;invest in the development of human and intellectualcapital - in education, for training personnel ininnovation management, breakthrough scientifictechnologies, in the part of personnel training of thehighest level.

At the same time, we need a promising model of longterminnovation development, which implies a gradualtransition from state to market-based instruments ofdevelopment and support of innovation activity,including innovation infrastructure functioning onmarket conditions.


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