Нigh-tech development of cities: digital and financial aspects
smart technologies, high-tech development, high technologies, urban planning, digital technologies, high-tech enterprises, transformation, innovative changes, innovation cluster, innovation parks, digital economy, innovative development, digitization, high-tech development of citiesAbstract
The presented work focuses on the fact that in the modern world of high technologies, the development of cities takes on new forms and dimensions, which are determined by digital and financial aspects. The trends of digitalization and technological innovations are transforming not only the ways of interaction of residents with urban infrastructure, but also the very structure of economic activity of cities.
High-tech development of cities, often referred to as "smart cities", includes the integration of modern information and communication technologies (ICT) into city management, which improves the quality of life, increases the efficiency of resource use, and reduces environmental impact. Digital technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), big data (Big Data), artificial intelligence (AI) and intelligent traffic management systems are key elements of this transformation, enabling integrated management of urban infrastructure and service delivery.
However, digitalization of cities cannot take place without adequate financial support. The development of infrastructure and the introduction of new technologies require significant investments, which may include public funding, private investments, partnerships between public and commercial structures, as well as innovative financial instruments. Effective financial management in this context becomes critical for ensuring stable and sustainable development of cities. The purpose of the presented work is to determine the specifics of the influence of financing and digitalization on the high-tech development of cities. In this context, the study of digital and financial aspects of high-tech urban development is extremely important to understand how the latest technologies and financial mechanisms can interact to create efficient and sustainable urban environments. This allows not only to improve management processes and improve the quality of life of city residents, but also to find new ways for economic development and increase the competitiveness of cities on a global scale.
The analysis of digital and financial aspects of high-tech development of cities allows to identify the key factors that determine the success of the implementation of innovative projects, as well as to develop strategies that will help to use the available resources as efficiently as possible and ensure a long-term positive impact on the urban environment.
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