Stimulation of innovative activity of the enterprise: financial, logistical and digital aspects
innovation, innovative activity, innovative infrastructure, financial security, development, risks and threats, digital platforms, digital business, transformation, digital economy, digital technologies, entrepreneurial ecosystem, smart entrepreneurship, economic security system, logistics system, logistics, digital transformation, logistics activity, digital logistics, organizational cultureAbstract
The presented work focuses on the fact that in themodern business environment, innovative activity is thebasis for achieving competitive advantages and ensuringthe sustainable development of enterprises. In the rapidlychanging market environment and technologicalrevolutions, enterprises must constantly adapt andimprove their products, services and business processes.Stimulation of innovative activity is a critically importantfactor that affects the ability of companies to remain atthe forefront of development and ensure high results. Thepurpose of the presented work is to determine the mainincentives of the innovative activity of the enterprise, aswell as to analyze the financial, logistical and digitalaspects of the impact on the innovative activity of themodern enterprise. The main methods of the presentedwork are: methods of analysis and synthesis, logicalmethod, method of generalization, method ofsystematization, tabular method, graphic method,methods of induction and deduction. The presentedmethods allow for a reasonable analysis of the presentedissues and to determine the main tasks of the currentresearch. Thus, the main aspects of the influence on thestimulation of innovative activity of the enterprise arepresented as: financial, digital and logistical. Thefinancial aspect of innovative activity involves theprovision of sufficient resources for the implementationof new ideas and projects. Investments in innovationoften require significant costs, so effective financingbecomes a key success factor. This can include not onlythe company's own resources, but also attractingexternal capital through venture capital, grants orlending. The logistical aspect covers the management ofresources and processes necessary for theimplementation of innovations. This includesorganization of production, supply of materials,management of supply chains and optimization ofinternal processes. Effective logistics ensures a smoothflow of resources and reduces costs, which is importantfor quick and successful introduction of new products tothe market. The digital aspect of stimulating innovationcovers the use of modern technologies and digital toolsto support and develop innovation processes. Thisincludes the introduction of digital platforms, dataanalytics, artificial intelligence and other technologiesthat allow not only to automate business processes, butalso to create new products and services that meet theneeds of the market. Thus, stimulating the innovativeactivity of the enterprise requires a comprehensiveapproach covering financial, logistical and digitalaspects. Balanced management of these componentsallows enterprises to effectively implement theirinnovative strategies, ensure competitiveness andachieve success in the conditions of the modern market.
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