Оptimization of atomic energy in Ukraine on the basis of ecomarketing
atomic energy market, renewable energy, eco-marketing, strategic analysis, social responsibility of businessAbstract
In order to make effective management decisions regarding the successful reform of the energy sector and the optimization of nuclear energy in Ukraine in accordance with the annual growth of renewable energy sources, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive monitoring, diagnosis and assessment of the development of the energy market. The purpose of the article is to analyze trends in the development of energy industry enterprises and optimize nuclear energy in Ukraine on the basis of eco-marketing to improve safety in the future. In order to achieve the goal, the electricity market of Ukraine, its trends and development prospects were analyzed. A study of the Top 20 countries that produce the most electricity in Europe was conducted. The article analyzes the state of nuclear energy in Ukraine and the world. A strategic analysis of atomic energy and its optimization in Ukraine was carried out on the basis of eco-marketing. It is noted that businesses in the electric power industry, forecasting their activities and developing programs for their future development, should study the experience of competitors and the demand for electricity in general and by individual market segments. It is proposed to focus on the consumer — to understand their actual and future needs, to try to exceed their expectations. After all, it is important to develop and choose the right marketing strategy, to identify, shape and satisfy consumer needs. Social responsibility becomes a key factor in establishing an effective dialogue between business, government and society. The desire to integrate into the European and world economic structures requires learning new rules of behavior in the conditions of an unstable environment. Currently, it is necessary to implement the latest technologies and have the lowest prices and the highest benchmarks for the most demanding consumer. Compliance with the principles of social responsibility will allow enterprises to take a leading position. It was concluded that the energy strategy of Ukraine and the new economic model until 2050 envisages the restoration of energy generation. Improving the quality of life is the basis of state policy in developed countries. For the first time, the author optimized the volume of nuclear energy in Ukraine at the level of 10.3% by 2050 according to the Energy Strategy of Ukraine and renewable energy sources, which are developing very quickly.
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