Hardware and software framework of an intelligent system for data collection from gsm technology monitoring


  • V.O. Nizhehorodtsev State Tax University
  • D.S. Bilokopytov Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
  • М.М. Filonenko State Tax University
  • V.V. Lagovskyi State Tax University




microcontroller, monitoring, software, sensor, GSM


The complex system of observation, collection, processing, systematization and analysis of data from a network of devices for monitoring information about the state of the environment allows you to obtain reasonable recommendations for making management decisions in various industries, such as industry, agriculture, military and healthcare. The creation of mobile data collection and transmission systems with their further processing with the help of artificial intelligence methods is a promising direction for solving such problems. To achieve this goal, modern programming methods and tools, data analysis methods, as well as hardware capabilities of modern sensors and microcontrollers are used.

Such systems can significantly and positively affect the country in various aspects, and the development of systems for collecting and systematizing data from network monitoring devices provides space for the development of related questions that can be raised, namely: the ethics of using and creating artificial intelligence, the dependence of all humanity on technology, the optimization of virtual reality technologies.

The purpose of the research is to design a system for receiving and further processing a GSM signal, which will help design data encryption modules for transmitting and storing information, collecting and systematizing data from a network of monitoring devices.

Based on the received data coming from external monitoring sensors, namely from the GSM antenna, which generates information about the strength of the available signal and its spectrum, and data from the generation of the received coordinates of the emitted signal, to analyze the data and provide a convenient way to monitor and process information in real time.

The scientific novelty consists in substantiating the grounds for creating a hardware and software prototype of an intelligent data collection system from a network of monitoring devices based on a complex of engineering, technical and research works: analysis of hardware products for monitoring the radio environment, design of a mobile platform and modeling of its elements, creation of a relational data model of the DBMS, the system user interface, and configuration of the data processing server.


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