Studying the interaction between strategies for enhancing the durability of oil and gas equipment and best project management practices


  • N.Y. Danyliuk Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
  • V.I. Artym Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas



project management, element durability, durability improvement, process automation, monitoring and evaluation, project effectiveness


The scientific article is devoted to a comprehensive study of the interaction between strategies for increasing the durability of oil and gas equipment elements and optimal project management practices in the oil and gas industry. In the modern operating conditions of oil and gas systems, there is a need to develop and implement innovative approaches that ensure high technical reliability and durability of elements, while taking into account the growing requirements for the efficiency of project management. The main focus of the article is a detailed analysis of the impact of effective project management on technical reliability, service life, and overall operational efficiency of oil and gas equipment elements. In the course of the study, special attention is paid to the consideration of strategies that promote close and productive cooperation between engineering teams and project managers. Such cooperation is a key factor in achieving an optimal balance between technical and managerial aspects, which ensures the successful implementation of oil and gas projects within the established time limits and in compliance with high quality standards. The article covers the key aspects of integrated project management, including communication strategies, technical integration, and strategic management that allow for the most efficient use of resources. The analysis is based on current trends in project management and engineering practice, using examples of successfully implemented projects in the oil and gas industry. This includes studying the latest technological solutions and approaches that have proven their effectiveness in real operating conditions. The results of the research can be used to develop new approaches and recommendations in the field of project management, which will contribute to increasing the technical durability of oil and gas equipment, as well as the overall efficiency and sustainability of projects. The obtained conclusions and proposals can serve as a basis for the implementation of new strategies in the practical activities of oil and gas companies, which will allow to increase the level of reliability and economic efficiency of their engineering solutions, as well as to ensure the long-term and uninterrupted functioning of equipment in harsh operating conditions.


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