Еxperimental study of the mechanical characteristics of the asynchronous generator with a phase rotor taking into account the active resistance in the rotor rectifier commutation circuit


  • H.M. Strunkin Engineering Institute of Zaporizhzhia National University




asynchronous generator with phase rotor, mechanical characteristics, active rotor support, rotary rectifier, commutation


The article provides information about the principles of maintaining the active support in the commutation circuit of the rotor rectifier of an asynchronous generator with a phase rotor for machines of low and medium load. It is proven that when using a serial asynchronous machine as a generator - a crane motor - while neglecting the influence of the active resistance of the rotor on the commutation process of the rotary rectifier, an error occurs in the calculation of its mechanical characteristics. The author's method for developing the mechanical characteristics of an asynchronous generator with a phase rotor with a changeable active support for the rotor is given.The purpose and plan of the experimental study are highlighted. An experimental stand for measuring the mechanical characteristics of an asynchronous generator with a wound rotor is described.To create an anti-EMF rotary rectifier, diodes switched on in series were used.Information about the measuring devices used in the experiment is provided.The method of measuring the angular speed of rotation of the shaft of an asynchronous generator is disclosed. The method of calculating the generator moment is described, based on the moment of the driving engine and the moment of losses of the unit, which is approximated by experimental data. The results of the experimental investigation of the mechanical characteristics of the asynchronous generator and the leveling of the deposits, which are attributed to the author's methodology, are presented.The experiment was carried out for a reduced value of the stator voltage to reduce the magnetizing current of the generator. Some deviation of the experimental data from the theoretically calculated ones in the zone of small slips is explained. The assumption of O.O. Bulgakov is spreading on the effect on the rectifier commutation process of only the parameters of the secondary winding of the transformer in the case of a rotor rectifier of an asynchronous generator with a phase rotor - only the parameters of the rotor. The conclusion contains information about the confirmation of the mechanical characteristics of an asynchronous generator with a phase rotor, which were obtained according to theoretical calculations and experimental data.


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