Determination of the vibration parameters of a drilling rig using themethod of computed order tracking of rotating machines


  • V.S. Morkun Kryvyi Rih National University, Kryvyi Rih city
  • N.V. Morkun Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv city
  • O.V. Porkuian Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city
  • S.M. Hryshchenko State Tax University, Irpin city
  • E.Yu. Bobrov Kryvyi Rih National University, Kryvyi Rih city
  • Ya.O. Hryshchenko Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city



well drilling, vibration, order tracking, signs


The aim of the study is to determine the vibration parameters of a drilling rig during well drilling using the method of tracking the order of rotating machines. The paper uses methods of analyzing domestic and foreign experience, methods of mathematical modeling, as well as methods of mathematical statistics and probability theory to form an assessment of the research results. The scientific novelty is to substantiate the use of the method of tracking the calculated order of rotating machines to determine the frequency at which it is advisable to measure the statistical parameters of the accompanying vibration signal. The practical significance lies in determining the procedure for measuring the parameters of the vibration signal of a drilling rig to assess the physical and mechanical properties of rock directly during well drilling.  To extract the useful component of the vibration signal on the drill bit from various interferences (vibrations of other parts of the drilling rig, external processes in the rock mass, etc.), the method of tracking the computed order (COT) of rotating machines with additional oversampling to increase its resolution is used. The proposed approach consists in the fact that in the process of changing the operating mode of the drive of the rotating parts of the drilling rig, an order map is formed over the entire range of its rotation, the frequency of high-amplitude vibration of the bit corresponding to the determined peak order of rotation is determined, and at this frequency, the statistical parameters of changes in the amplitude of the measured signal are measured. In accordance with the applied method, a speed map was generated for the vibration data in the process of changing the operating mode of the drilling rig (increasing the drive speed from 500 to 2150 rpm within 40 seconds) Analysis of the experimental studies and modeling of the interaction of the bit with iron-containing rock allows us to conclude that the statistical parameters of the accompanying vibration signal obtained using this method really adequately characterize the process of well drilling.


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