Acts of the International Labour organization as a source of the social and economic rights


  • І.С. Загоруй


The role of the International Labour Organization (further as ILO) in its creation of acts connected with labour, formation of the international standards in this sphere of hu- man rights and, in particular of those ones that create social and economic rights, has been analysed in the article. Using historical sources, including constituent documents of League of the Nations and of the ILO, the scientific literature, the author characterizes the historical and legal precondition of occurrence of idea about necessity the international regulations of labour, stages of its formation into a complete concept of the need to estab- lish international institutions for labour regulations.
The author analyzes a legal status of ILO and ascertains a legal nature of its func- tions and tasks, types of international labor instruments, the adoption of which it is author- ized to. Then, system of international labor instruments such as declarations, conventions and recommendations of ILO has been outlined in the article, their impact on the state- ment of the rights of the second generation has been justified. The author's vision of sys- tem communication of ILO acts with other international standards in the field of human rights and « the normative nucleus « has been stated in appropriate way, and a basis of system of the international acts ILO (conventions and declarations) which the author sug- gests to consider as a fundamental principle, «an axis» in system of the social and eco- nomic rights has been separated.

Author Biography

І.С. Загоруй

к.і.н, доц. каф. загальноюридичних дисциплін, Луганський державний університет внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка




