Differences in regulation of term labor relations in Bahrain and Ukraine


  • Аль Шрайдех Моххамад Обейн Токван


In this article the problems of legal regulation of labor of citizens of Ukraine abroad are investigated. It is determined that the main result of international legal regulation of labor is international legal standards, coordinated with the laws of developed countries. The differences between a fixed-term contract in the laws of Ukraine and the Kingdom of Bahrain are revealed.
The legal regulation of fixed-term employment contracts in the countries of the League of Arab States (LAS) is characterized from the standpoint of both general and special. This is what makes it possible to state the existence of a specific model for the legal regulation of fixed-term labor relations, for which the dominant value of the contrac- tual method is typical (the labor laws of Kuwait and Bahrain are an exception). Interven- tion of the state in contractual relations between the parties of the employment contract is minimized. This status-quo indicates the flexibility of the legal regulation of fixed-term labor relations. This allows the employer to react quickly to changing conditions in the market of goods and services, to regulate the number of employees involved in production at various stages of their activities.

In general the labor market in Bahrain is undergoing major changes. Due to the large number of foreign migrants, traditional perceptions of the role of women in society are changing. Now many women immigrating to Bahrain manage to find work in the fi- nancial sector of the economy, in the services sector, in educational and medical institu- tions. However there are a number of difficulties for employment of women in Bahrain as it was before.
In the legislation of Ukraine and Bahrain, the fixed-term employment contract is not significant, and the main difference is that the legislation of Bahrain does not require special conditions for concluding a fixed-term contract, which is undoubtedly an ad- vantage for the employer. This reason that leads to the fact that a fixed-term contract is the main form of legal transaction for labor migrants with employers in Bahrain.
Keywords: labor migration, international law, fixed-term employment contract, Bahrain, labor market, business immigration, labor legislation.

Author Biography

Аль Шрайдех Моххамад Обейн Токван

Викладач комерційного права Бахрейн, Королівська академія поліції




