The curren tstate of illicit trafficking in drugsin Ukraine


  • Ф.О. Кіріленко


Ananalysis of the situation with the circulation of narcotic drugsbothin Ukraine and intheinternational dimension, determine the relevance of this study. Currently, the study of narcotic crime, the definition of causes and conditions of it sorigin, the development of measures for it sprevention, ways to eliminate the consequences, etc. Among the most acute global social problems facingall states, and Ukraine in particular, drug addictionand drug trafficking constitute a real threat to the national security of the country.
The empirica lbasis of the study is statistical data and factual materials on the activities of lawen for cementan do ther bodies in the field of prevention and counter action of drug trafficking in Ukraine. The article considers some aspects of the criminological characteristics of modern drug crime in Ukraine, its causes and conditions, out lines the consequences of this dangerous type of crime for society and the stateas a who leand identifi espreventive measures.The main attentionis paid to the place and role of drug trafficking in the modern globalized world and, accordingly, strategies and tactics of counter acting it as a global threat to the future. Some of theem phasisis on highlighting the current problem for Ukraine – counter action to narcotic crime, analyzing the current state and trends in the development of this type of crime, proposing theuse of an integrated approach to preventing the narcotic threat at various stages of its occurrence.
Keywords: narcoticcrime, drugbusiness, counteraction, warning.

Author Biography

Ф.О. Кіріленко

кандидат юридичних наук, заступник начальника управління медіакомунікацій Міністра Департаменту організаційної-апаратної роботи Міністерства внутрішніх справ України




