
  • С.В. Козаченко



The article is devoted to the role of labor rationing
in agriculture. Attention is paid to increasing
productivity, profits and increasing the loyalty of the
workforce. The rationing of working hours is considered,
which provides for the state establishment of
standards for working hours. Attention is paid to the
rationing of labor through the labor function, as the
degree of intellectualization of the labor function for
most workers has increased significantly due to the
development of modern technologies in the new socio-
economic conditions.
It is noted that labor rationing allows to justify
labor indicators for vulnerable groups of citizens,
youth and the disabled, thus giving the opportunity to
fill vacancies in unattractive jobs or in areas characterized
by a shortage of specialists in the labor market.
Labor rationing also helps to improve the quality
of working life, which is one of the most important
functions of labor management in agriculture. Improving
the quality of working life involves improving
the socio-economic situation of workers. The role
of labor rationing and mode of operation as the basis
for the organization of production, increasing the
efficiency of living labor is growing. In modern conditions,
the legal regulation of labor rationing and
mode of operation should provide objectively necessary
work to streamline the labor process, which on
the basis of developed methods of labor rationing
organizes, regulates and stabilizes the sociotechnical
system of each organization. In particular,
the rationing of working hours provides for the state
establishment of standards for working hours. At the
same time, the parties to labor relations should be
given the opportunity to reasonably combine state
standards and flexible approaches to the establishment
of working hours, which are especially relevant in today's technical environment. In addition, subject to summary accounting of working time, it is possible to choose the norm of working time, which is to comply not with the daily or weekly norm, but during the accounting period (month, quarter, season, year).
Key words: labor, labor relations, agricultural workers, labor norms.

Author Biography

С.В. Козаченко

Аспірант кафедри трудового права та права соціального забезпечення Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка




