
  • В.І. Гніденко



The article deals with topical issues of legal
regulation of payment of social scholarships. The
legislation of Ukraine provides for a wide range of
social benefits for the population, which are intended
to improve the living conditions and life of certain
social categories. Such payments include: childbirth
allowance, child support payments, single mothers
assistance, assistance to children with disabilities
since childhood and with children with disabilities,
housing subsidies and more. But along with such wellknown
many types of social assistance provided by the
state is another that should also be addressed. This is
the payment of social scholarships to students (or
cadets) of higher education institutions. The state has
begun actively using this tool for student social
security since January 1, 2017. The main normative
documents regulating this issue were analyzed, in
particular CMU Resolution of December 28, 2016 No.
1050 “Some Issues of Scholarship Support” and CMU
Resolution of December 28, 2016, No. 1045 “Some
Issues of Payment of Social Scholarships to Graduate
Students (cadets) educational institutions". That is
why the purpose of the article is to: consider the
regulatory regulation of the issue of accrual and
payment of social scholarships to students (or cadets)
of higher education institutions and to identify the
conflicts / loopholes of such legal regulation. The
main problems that currently exist are the following:
the inconsistency of the list of categories in Decree
No. 1045 and Decree No. 1050; taking into account or
not taking into account the absence of academic debt
or / or unsatisfactory learning outcomes; the
requirement to attach to the application the applicants
who, during the period of study from 18 to 23 years
old, have left without parents a copy of the decision of
the guardianship and custody body to grant the status
of orphan or child deprived of parental care, or an
extract from the orphan child registration card and a
child deprived of parental care; the absence in the
Resolution No. 1045 of the mandatory 50% increase.
the size of the social scholarship if the students are
visually and hearing impaired. We believe that the
Ministry of Social Policy and the Ministry of
Education and Science should take joint action and
submit to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a list of proposals for compliance with the Procedure for Appointment and Payment of Scholarships (Decree No. 1050) and the Procedure for the Use of Funds for Payment of Social Scholarships (Decree No. 1045).
This will greatly simplify the work of educational institutions and the UPSFP in the field of accrual and payment of social scholarships.
Keywords: scholarship, social benefits, preferential categories of population, social scholarship, social security, Ministry of Social Policy.

Author Biography

В.І. Гніденко

Асистентка кафедри правознавства Східноукраїнського національного університету імені Володимира Даля




