The development of Ukraine as a democratic
law-governed is impossible without raising the level
of citizens' legal consciousness, the formation of
social behavior based on respect for rights and law,
and an effective mechanism for protecting rights and
freedoms. State policy should be aimed at
strengthening and diversifying the forms of legal
education, overcoming nihilism and populism, and
meeting the needs of the people in legal knowledge.
The article considers the problem of legal
education, the formation of the legal culture of the
people; issues related to the reform of state policy in
the field of improving the legal culture of people. The
most important areas of the state’s activity are
informing the population of human rights and
freedoms and methods of protection, pursuing a state
policy in the field of providing citizens with free legal
assistance. A great role in the legal education of
people play the media which are effective instrument
of legal propaganda, informing citizens about
changes in legislation. It is emphasized that the legal
culture is an element of the mechanism for the
implementation of constitutional rights of citizens
along with the norms that contain these rights, their
guarantees, legal obligations. The development of
legal culture is ensured by the system of legal
education, the legislative framework of which is
established by both national and international
legislation. The attention is focused on the fact that
the issues of legal education in Ukraine has
historical roots, the educational activities of the
«Enlightenment Partnership» are analyzed. The issues of correlation of the concepts of «legal education» and «legal enlightenment», the forms, tasks and goals of legal education are considered.
The relevance of the problem of strengthening the level of legal culture by enhancing the effectiveness of legal education and enlightenment is determined by the need for comprehensive development of civil society, encouraging members of the society to actively participate in the construction of a law-goverend, democratic, social state.
Key words: raising legal awareness, legal culture, legal education, legal consciousness, citizen, population, law, legal protection.