Working time and rest time are categories of
labor law, the effective legal regulation of which is
aimed at ensuring the organization of the work
process, compliance with internal labor regulations,
ensuring uninterrupted work of the relevant state
body, organization, enterprise, regardless of the form
of ownership. That is why highlighting the
peculiarities of the legal regulation of working time
and rest time of employees of the Prosecutor's Office
of Ukraine is an important stage in the comprehensive
study of the unity and differentiation of labor relations
of employees of the Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine in
The purpose of the article is to highlight the
unity and differentiation of the legal regulation of
working time and rest time of employees of the
prosecutor's office.
The article provides the author's understanding
of the meaning of the concepts of working time and
rest time of employees of the prosecutor's office. The
current regulatory and legal regulation of the issues
of working time and rest time of prosecutor's office
employees was analyzed. It was concluded that the
manifestation of unity in the legal regulation of the
mentioned issue is that when establishing working
time regimes and providing rest time, the legislator
does not allow a reduction of the labor-law
guarantees established in the general legislation in relation to the institute under study, and the
corresponding legal regulation takes place within its
limits . At the same time, the most differentiated is the
legal regulation of the mentioned issues for
prosecutors and civil servants. The legislation defines
stricter requirements for the stay at workplaces of the
specified categories of persons, along with that, also
provides more extended guarantees in the field of rest
time. The progressiveness of the provisions regarding
the establishment of a flexible schedule and remote
work for prosecutor employees was noted.
As a conclusion, the author states that a
manifestation of unity in the legal regulation of
working time and rest time is that when establishing
working time regimes and providing rest time, the
legislator does not allow a reduction in the labor law
guarantees established in general legislation in
relation to the institute under study, and the corresponding legal regulation takes place within its limits. At the same time, the most differentiated is the legal regulation of the mentioned issues for prosecutors and civil servants. The legislation defines stricter requirements for the stay at workplaces of the specified categories of persons, along with that, also provides more extended guarantees in the field of rest time.
Keywords: labor relations, employees of the prosecutor's office, working hours, rest time, remote work, flexible schedule, working hours.