
  • I. Lisna



The article examines the process of adaptation
of national legislation to the norms of the European
Union as a key component of European integration.
The work analyzes the complex and multi-level
process of adaptation, which covers not only the
technical approximation of legislative acts, but also
systemic reforms of the legal system and state
institutions. The importance of creating an effective
legal framework for supporting socio-economic
reforms is emphasized, ensuring the functioning of
state institutions in accordance with European
standards and developing trade and economic
relations between Ukraine and the EU.
We considered the prerequisites and historical
stages of the formation of relations between Ukraine
and the EU beginning from 1989. The Partnership and
Cooperation Agreement are analyzed, as well as the
period of formation of bilateral relations in 1991-
1994, emphasizing the importance of legal documents
that fix Ukraine's course on European integration.
The author also points to the gradual intensification
of relations with the EU and the formation of a legal
basis for further cooperation.
The article details the key tasks and problems of
adapting Ukrainian legislation to EU norms. Among
the main challenges are: instability of the legislative
framework, inconsistency of norms, lack of a
comprehensive institutional mechanism for
coordination and control of this process. The need for
a systematic approach to the implementation of
European standards is indicated, which includes the
modernization of national legislation, the
development of new legal mechanisms and ensuring a
high level of law enforcement.
Special attention was paid to the creation of an
institutional mechanism for adaptation, which
includes the coordination of the activities of ministries
and other executive authorities. The role of the
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and the creation of the
Interdepartmental Coordination Council on
Adaptation of Ukrainian Legislation to EU
Legislation are analyzed. It is noted that an important
function is also the translation of *acquis
communautaire* acts into Ukrainian and the
preparation of a special glossary of terms.
The issues of adaptation of tax and labor
legislation of Ukraine to EU norms are considered
separately. Examples of legislative changes aimed at
bringing national legislation closer to European
standards are given, including the introduction of
special taxation regimes, reforming the system of
taxation of tobacco products, alcohol and fuel, as well
as the integration of the Ukrainian labor market into
the European legal space. It is emphasized that
although the mechanical implementation of EU
directives is not a universal solution for all legislative
problems of Ukraine, their adaptation can contribute
to increasing the efficiency of regulation of the
national labor market and economic growth.
The article concludes the importance of
harmonizing Ukrainian legislation with European
standards, which will contribute to raising the level of
legal culture and the rule of law in Ukraine. It was
noted that the successful implementation of European
norms will create new opportunities for the economic
and social development of the country, strengthen the
legal basis for reforms and ensure the stable integration of Ukraine into the European legal space.

Keywords: adaptation of legislation, implementation, European Union, legal reforms, legal harmonization, Association Agreement.

Author Biography

I. Lisna

Кандидат юридичних наук, доцент, завідувач кафедри історії та теорії держави і права Чорноморського національного університету імені Петра Могили, м. Миколаїв




