Peer review

Peer review and the procedure for passing articles to the collection of scientific works " Topical issues of law: theory and practice"


The purpose of peer review is to improve the quality of scientific articles published in the collection, with the help of evaluation of materials by highly qualified experts.


The review procedure is anonymous for both the reviewer and the authors and is carried out by one reviewer (double-blind review).


A scientific article is reviewed according to the following criteria:


  • whether the content of the article corresponds to the topic stated in the title;
  • whether the content of the article corresponds to the thematic directions of the magazine;
  • whether the content of the article has a certain novelty;
  • whether the article corresponds to the scientific level of the journal;
  • whether it is appropriate to publish the article taking into account the previously published literature on this issue and whether it is interesting for a wide range of readers;
  • what exactly are the positive aspects, as well as the shortcomings of the article, what corrections and additions should be made by the author (if any).

Scientific articles designed in accordance with the requirements are allowed for review.


The review period is within a week from the moment of receipt of the article.


The revised version of the article is sent for re-review. In case of a repeated negative review result, the article is rejected and not subject to further consideration.

In the event of conflicts of interest due to competitive, joint or other interactions and relationships with any of the authors, companies or other organizations related to the submitted work, the reviewer shall not participate in the review of manuscripts and shall return the manuscript without review, indicating the conflict interests A reviewer should not evaluate a manuscript with an author or co-author of which he or she has a personal or professional relationship, and if such relationship might influence the judgment of the manuscript.

Each manuscript received for review is treated as a confidential document. In the case of the need for special reviewer consultation, another reviewer may be involved in the review. Also, the information obtained during the review process is kept confidential and cannot be used for any purpose.

The editorial decision is sent to the author(s). Articles to be revised are sent to the author(s) together with a review text containing specific recommendations for revision of the article.

The reviewers' anonymity is guaranteed by the journal's editors.