Method of restoration of friction details using wear-resistant composite substances


  • N.S. Urum State University of Infrastructure and Technologies (Izmail)
  • О.І. Ryashchenko State University of Infrastructure and Technologies (Izmail)
  • O.S. Babere State University of Infrastructure and Technologies (Izmail)



crankshaft, composite substances, marine diesel, friction details


Existing technological processes of restoration of friction parts do not provide the necessary durability of crankshafts of marine diesels, as they do not take into account the complex technological features of coating methods for hardening, their technical and economic performance and operating conditions of parts. Failure to provide the necessary indicators of durability of the restored crankshafts determines the need to improve the technological processes of restoration, as well as the choice of criteria for the surface layer. The shortcomings of existing recovery processes, stochasticity of material parameters and process factors, quantitative and qualitative heterogeneity of thermal, force and other effects on the surface layer of the friction part in the process of its restoration and operation determine the relevance of further improvement of the technological process. properties of coatings obtained using mineral and organomineral materials, as well as assessment of the durability of the restored friction parts depending on the obtained parameters of the surface layer material. Failure to provide the necessary indicators of durability of restored crankshafts determines the need to improve methods of restoration of friction parts, including the use of composite materials, which determines the relevance of this article. The article proves that composite coatings based on mineral and organomineral materials must be used in the system of forming the material parameters of the surface layer of the crankshaft necks of marine diesel engines. Analysis of experimental results revealed that modification of steel surface with mineral and organomineral materials allows to increase the wear resistance of the joint in the whole range of heating grease temperatures, reduce friction coefficients and temperature in the tribocontact zone, respectively, significantly increase the reliability of friction parts. Moreover, as the heating temperature of the oil increases, the effect of steel modification increases: the values of the wear rate of steel and friction parts in general decrease. The most effective are composite coatings: steel reinforced with aluminosilicate, modified metallosiloxane or aluminosilicate, modified polysaccharide and magnesium carbonate.


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