Quality of transportation services on different types of transport


  • І.О. Kyrychenko Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk sity
  • N.M. Kuzmenko Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk sity
  • О.О. Vodolazskyi Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Severodonetsk sity




quality of transport services, railway transport, road transport, sea transport, river transport, air transport


The article is devoted to the topical issue of providing quality transport services by various modes of transport. The paper considers the search for optimal solutions for the effective development of the required volume of traffic with minimal resource costs. This is an important and topical issue for the recovery of our country's economy. The analysis of the main technical and economic features of railway transport, sea transport, river transport, air transport, road transport is carried out in the work. The processes of integration in the modern conditions of development of the world community are objectively irreversible, so the modern concept of quality management of transport services in achieving all goals and objectives of enterprises and organizations provides its mandatory priority among other areas of management.

Based on the analysis, a proposal was made that the quality of transport services is a complex concept. Transport services are services that complete and (or) precede the process of material production. For example, the transfer of finished products from the factory to the destination for its further sale to consumers refers to the final services (the process of material production). Delivery of raw materials from production sites to the plant for processing into finished products or semi-finished products refers to the services preceding the process of material production.

Methods for optimizing the logistics chain at transport hubs based on the formalization of the interaction of various modes of transport are considered, which can reduce the costs of delivery, warehousing, information flow management and, thus, the transport component of the cost of products as a whole, thereby ensuring the uniformity of transport services for customers. Taking into account the alternative and multi-level nature of the definition of strategy, as the basis for the implementation of strategic management and strategic planning, the article discusses a general algorithm for developing a strategy, taking into account the factors of quality assurance. The key and, at the same time, rather difficult task in the presented algorithm is the stage of choosing a strategy, for which it is recommended to use the basic provisions of the systematic approach to logistics.


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