Building a post-war model of Ukraine's economy: funding and management issues
post-war economic model, decentralized governance, financing, smart specialisation, partnership, European UnionAbstract
The article investigates the promising sources of external financial support for the formation of the post-war economic model and develops recommendations for ensuring the effective use of new opportunities, taking into account the peculiarities of decentralised governance and European integration potential of Ukraine.
In the context of the armed russianinvasion and large losses of human, financial and economic resources, the issues of achieving economic resilience, assessing the economic consequences of the war, internal and external potentials of the country's reconstruction, choosing mechanisms, tools and scenarios of post-war economic recovery are relevant. It is already clear that Ukraine needs to form a new economic model based on innovation, in which the regions should play a leading role.Therefore, it is important to continue the decentralisation reforms launched before the war and modernisation of the national economy management system in accordance with European standards.
The article identifies and analyses three key potential sources of financial resources for the restoration and modernisation of Ukraine's economy: (1) specially created funds for macro-financial support; (2) seized Russian assets; (3) EU funds available to candidate countries. The main attention is paid to the last source as the most important in terms of implementing fundamental strategic changes in the Ukrainian economy and fuller use of Ukraine's European integration potential.
Based on the results of the study and systematisation of the EU programs available to the candidate countries, the relevance and prospects of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance for Ukraine are substantiated. Its features and financial mechanism based on the mutual coordination of program goals are revealed.
Recommendations for further implementation of the European approach of smart specialisation, development of interregional, cross-border partnerships and creation of information, organizational and institutional support for the rapid smart transformation of the Ukrainian economy based on knowledge and innovation have been developed.
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