Improving the classification of regional development strategies


  • V.V. Bozhkova Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko
  • О.М. Esmanov Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko



strategy, region, classification, feature, development, regionalism


Not only the direction, but also the rate of development of the region depends on the relevance of the regional development strategy definition, therefore, outlining the types and varieties of possible strategies, understanding their essence (and, subsequently, the possibilities of application) is urgent for regional bodies of public management and administration. On the other hand, globalization and informatization of the global socio-economic space intensify interregional competition and push regions to search for creative solutions, innovative management actions, new strategic directions of development, which actualizes the issue of updating the classification of regional development strategies taking into account the latest research and practices. The purpose of the article is to expand the classification of regional development strategies. The article analyzes the types of strategies used in the practice of regional management and the classification features distinguished by scientists. It is noted that the identification of classification features of regional development strategies by scientists depends on the scientific positions of the author and the research context (economy, public management and administration, management, marketing, etc.). The vast majority of classifications proposed by researchers are made from the standpoint of regionalism, therefore they contain purely specific features that characterize certain aspects of regional strategy (tools, tasks, conditions, etc.) that need improvement. We believe that in order to comprehensively cover the diversity of regional development strategies (and, in the future, their successful development and implementation), it is necessary to extrapolate the successful experience of other countries that is acceptable for Ukraine, as well as to analyze the proposals of scientists who considered strategies through the prism of modern transformations (digital, market, communication , informational, global, etc.). Based on the results of the analysis of scientific works, as well as the successful strategy experience of European countries (the Republic of Poland, the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, Hungary), an expanded classification of regional development strategies is presented and it is noted that the definition of regional development strategies should take into account the theories and practices of modern regionalism, economics , marketing, public management and administration, management, which ensures the comprehensiveness of research and the possibility of developing (in the future) a relevant strategy that will meet not only regional requirements, but also the challenges of the external environment.


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