Digitalization of sales activities in the conditions of the inclusive economy


  • V.A. Vovk Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
  • J.V. Kononchuk Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
  • S.V. Kyrylenko Western Ukrainian National University



sales activity, sales policy, sales, marketing sales policy, sales promotion, digitalization, marketing tools, inclusive economy


The presented work analyzes the components of sales activity in the conditions of digitalization and inclusive economy. The conditions of digitization affecting the sales activity of industrial enterprises and changing its characteristics are determined. The purpose of the presented work is to determine the main components of the process of digitalization of sales activities. The main methods of research are: analysis and synthesis - to determine the main components of the process of digitalization and inclusive economy, induction and deduction to determine the main directions of development of digitalization of sales activities in the conditions of inclusive economy. The main changes that occur in sales activities in the conditions of digitalization include the following aspects: electronic commercial space. With the development of the Internet, there is a significant increase in the electronic commercial space, which allows enterprises of the industrial sector to effectively sell products using online stores and other online resources; application of digital marketing technologies. Digitalization of sales activities involves the use of digital marketing technologies, such as SEO (search engine optimization), content marketing, contextual advertising, etc.; application of data analytics. The use of data analytics is important for the effective digitalization of sales activities of industrial enterprises. This allows you to get information about customers, their needs and previous experience with the company, which helps to improve the sales strategy and develop more effective marketing campaigns; customer relationship management systems (CRM). The use of customer interaction management systems allows companies in the industrial sector to implement an individual approach to each customer.

The main areas of such changes are: Electronic communication with customers: To support effective electronic communication with customers, you need to create an effective online communication channel, such as a website, email, mobile application, etc. Such a channel provides the possibility of conducting online consultations and customer support, making online orders, organizing online payment, tracking orders, etc.; online marketing: The development of digital marketing strategies and the use of electronic platforms for advertising goods or services is a necessary component of the digitalization of sales activities. Such tools as contextual advertising, SEO promotion, email marketing, social networks, etc. can be used for this purpose; electronic sales tools: To optimize the sales process, it is necessary to use electronic tools, such as CRM systems, order management systems, online stores, electronic catalogs, etc. This allows you to quickly and efficiently process orders, control warehouse balances, carry out and track the delivery of goods; analytics and reporting.

Marketing activity in the conditions of an inclusive economy plays an important role in ensuring access to goods and services for all segments of the population, including people with disabilities, youth, women and other vulnerable groups.

An inclusive economy involves the creation of favorable conditions for the involvement of all business entities in sales activities, including small and medium-sized enterprises, social enterprises, public organizations and other non-profit organizations.


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