Іnnovative approaches to management of regional competitiveness strategy


  • N.S. Illiashenko Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko
  • А.І. Myronenko Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko




innovations, management technologies, regional development, cooperation with the public, regional management


The development of the region depends on many factors. However, the task of regional development is assigned precisely to the functions of managers in the public sector, who, through the processes of encouraging employees and representatives of the general public and individual organizations, work together to achieve results. And the final result will depend on what tools, means and approaches will be used in the management process. Therefore, the process of public administration requires a constant review and analysis of the technologies used in it and their improvement due to the use of existing innovations and the development of their own. The purpose of the article is to conduct a study of existing modern technologies in the public administration of the region with the aim of structuring the received information and forming a list of the most optimal in the present conditions of development. The work presents grouped innovative technologies that are most widespread in the world, which can be applied in the public sector of Ukraine to increase the level of regional development.

The first block foresees innovations in cooperation. Since one of the main tasks of managers is to attract the general public to cooperation, this type of innovation is currently predominant and is divided into sub-blocks. The first sub-block includes the cooperation of authorities with the population of the region through the processes of information, consultation, involvement, cooperation and empowerment for the realization of rights. Important in the field of cooperation with the population is the development of such a direction as citizen sourcing (derived from the direction of crowdsourcing). This direction involves the involvement of a significant number of people who are not connected by any system in solving certain tasks with the help of the latest communication technologies. The second sub-block includes cooperation with enterprises. This can happen through the direct delegation of authority to private companies in the field of public utility services. Another option is the involvement of small and medium-sized enterprises through the system of granting grants or contracts to solve the problems of the region. The third sub-blome is cooperation with institutions of higher education by conducting training and improving the qualifications of both civil servants and teachers, organizing joint projects and attracting talented young people to management. The fourth and fifth sub-blocks are cooperation with public organizations and mass media, respectively.

The second block includes innovations in management approaches. The most effective direction in this matter is the transition to project management, which has long been implemented in the activities of domestic enterprises and organizations, but is almost not reflected in the activities of the public sector.Innovations in management technologies belong to the third block. In this aspect, we are talking about the implementation of electronic governance, which is already widely represented in Ukraine.The fourth block provides for innovations in management tools, namely the transition to the Mareting concept of management.The fifth blow includes simplifying administrative innovations, which are designed to reduce the level of bureaucracy.And the sixth block is socio-ethical innovations, which are designed to ensure long-term sustainable development of the region.


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