Ensuring the competitiveness of regional enterprises on an innovative basis


  • Y.I. Klius Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city
  • V.V. Syvochka Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city




innovative activity, enterprise, region, competitiveness, development, strategy


National and regional innovation systems are being formed in Ukraine. In the era of global transformations, innovations become the main factor in increasing the efficiency of industrial enterprises of the region in order to ensure its competitiveness. The solution to this problem requires a comprehensive analysis and rethinking of existing approaches, the creation of theoretical foundations for ensuring the effective development of industrial enterprises in the region. The activity of corporate structures in creating new innovations and effective communications for their transfer becomes a factor of economic development, increasing the competitiveness of the region. The cost of modern products is determined not only by the costs of material production, but also by research and development works, which, in turn, can be an innovative component of the development of industrial enterprises. The use of innovations makes it possible to increase not only the efficiency of individual components of the corporate structure, but also, if proper attention is paid to integration processes, of the entire corporate management system. This determines the increased interest of society, in particular scientists and practitioners, in the ways of effective formation of the corporate innovation management system of an industrial enterprise.

The following tools can be used to stimulate the modernization of industry in order to ensure the competitiveness of the region on the basis of innovations: the formation of the sales market for competitive products and services using mechanisms that regulate the purchase of domestic science-intensive products for state needs; stimulation of investments in the modernization of industry based on innovations by improving the mechanisms of partial financing of large innovative projects by the state and private business; motivation of enterprises to adopt innovations on the basis of incentives for domestic enterprises to purchase modern technologies created by Ukrainian developers; stimulation of industrial reform processes; creation of corporate structures that unite the spheres of production and scientific and technical activity. Among them are state centers of science and high technologies.

Further development of the country's national innovation system should be aimed, first of all, at ensuring the system integration of all its elements and their effective interaction.


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