Сonsequences of international migration for social relations


  • O.Y. Kurtsev Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
  • H.Y. Popova Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics




migration process, security, labor potential, migration flows, military migration


The presented work reveals the concept of international migration and defines its main features. The main influence of international migration on trends in the development of social relations is presented. International migration, as a process of resettling people from one country to another, has a great impact on social relations. Certain consequences of international migration are determined, with their influence on social relations indicated.

International migration from the point of view of cultural diversity. Migration leads to changes in the cultural composition of society, creating a more diverse and multifaceted cultural community. This can lead to the enrichment of cultural experience, promote intercultural dialogue and the development of cultural pluralism.

Migrants make a significant contribution to society, both economically and socially. They work in various fields, filling gaps in the labor market and providing additional economic resources. Migration can stimulate economic growth and development.

Migration creates opportunities for intercultural communication and mutual understanding. People from different cultures learn to communicate, understand each other and solve common problems. This promotes tolerance, mutual respect and support of intercultural dialogue.

Migration can also create social challenges, particularly in the areas of housing, education, health care and social security. It is necessary to solve the issue of integration of migrants into society, to ensure access to basic services and human rights.

Migration can affect the political situation in the country, in particular through changes in the demographic structure and political discourse. It is important to ensure effective management of migration processes and regulation of migration policy to ensure stability and social harmony.

Thus, in conclusion, it is possible to state that international migration is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, which has both positive and challenging aspects. It is important to develop policies and strategies that will ensure effective management of migration processes and contribute to the positive impact of migration on social relations.


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