Financial security: prospects and risks of the aerospace industry enterprises of Ukraine


  • G.S. Likhonosova National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute", Kharkiv, Ukraine



financial recession, financial security, banking risks, enterprises of the aerospace industry, modernization of the economic profile


The object of the study is the financial and economic activity of the enterprises of the aerospace industry of Ukraine in the context of the systematization of modern provisions regarding the concern of leading financiers regarding the probability of a global financial recession. The issues of the study concern the high level of inflation, low growth rates, high internal and external debt, which reduce the incentives for investment necessary to restore growth and improve the standard of living and increase the degree of financial fragmentation. The purpose of the article is the analysis of modern financial and economic challenges, their impact on the performance of aerospace enterprises and the definition of a new paradigm for the formation of financial security in the conditions of martial law. It is noted that today's weak demand and the high cost of bank loans will put pressure on global financial markets, which will force multinational companies to cut costs: from cutting operating costs to laying off workers. The interdependence of disruptions in the supply chain and the level of business activity of aerospace enterprises is substantiated. The main hypothesis of the study was the assumption of the possibility of restoring the production potential of aerospace enterprises due to the introduction of the latest financial and economic technologies of digital transformation of Ukraine, national projects for the development of entrepreneurship, digital interaction platforms. The list of necessary skills of employees to meet the modern needs of society at the current stage of financial and economic development of society is analyzed. The classification of the necessary retraining of employees until 2025 due to the growth of the introduction of technologies and the level of their mastery is presented. The use of part of the infrastructure as a base for the creation of a profile industrial park has been proven as a priority way for the further development of the enterprise. It is proposed to carry out an effective policy in the field of providing the financial market with bank regulation instruments and attracting new investment resources with a guarantee to investors of returning their own funds.


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