Economic mechanism of regulation in institutions of general secondary education


  • O.V. Ptashchenko Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
  • O.V. Denysiuk Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture



education, institutions of general secondary education, economic regulation, development of educational institutions, educational mechanism


The presented paper analyzes the main components of the economic mechanism of development of general secondary education institutions and presents the main positive characteristics that can be obtained from its implementation. The purpose of the presented work is to consider the main components of the economic mechanism of regulation of general secondary education institutions and to determine the main components of their development.

The development of general secondary education institutions is an important component of social development, as it provides opportunities for the younger generation to receive quality education. It was determined that the development of institutions of general secondary education includes the following components: improvement of the quality of education, development of institutions of general secondary education involves providing equal learning opportunities for all students, development of infrastructure, innovative approaches, development of partnership and cooperation, support of teachers and staff.

The development of general secondary education institutions is an important component of social development, as it provides training and development of the younger generation. Implementation of the described aspects contributes to improving the quality of education, expanding access to education, developing infrastructure, implementing innovative approaches, developing partnerships and supporting teachers and staff.

The economic mechanism for regulating the activities of institutions of general secondary education includes a set of measures and tools aimed at ensuring the effective functioning of these institutions and achieving the set goals. Development and implementation of the budget of general secondary education institutions is an important element of the economic mechanism. This includes planning of income and expenses, analysis of financial activities, control over the implementation of budget indicators and effective use of funds.

The use of economic tools to stimulate efficiency in the work of institutions of general secondary education is an important aspect of the regulatory mechanism. This may include the establishment of performance indicators, a system of incentives for teachers and staff, as well as performance evaluation and analysis of indicators of the quality of education.

The conclusions show that the effective use of the economic mechanism of regulation is an important aspect of the development of the institution of general secondary education. This contributes to improving the quality of education, attracting new students and supporting the development of the institution.


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