Engineering graphics as «the alphabet of design» in mechanical drawing
neural networks, error back propagation, reactorAbstract
The article examines the main problems faced by students of graphic disciplines at a technical university. The authors share pedagogical observations about the difficulties students have in separating the concepts of projection drawing and mechanical engineering. Ways to solve them are proposed: systematization of educational material, methods of interlinking design documentation, methods of identifying the forms of details on drawings, logical justification of setting dimensions, use of conventions. The article also describes the role of engineering graphics in the further acquisition of design skills. The name of the discipline combined the traditional disciplines «Descriptive Geometry» and «Computer Graphics», related to the use of computer technology for the construction of images. Such unification of disciplines made it possible to reduce the total number of subjects studied names in educational institutions. Engineering graphics, its methods and provisions are used in almost all fields of science and technology. She studies the issue of depicting spatial forms on a plane and the issue of constructing graphic models of spatial forms. Engineering graphics prepares for construction graphic models of actually existing three-dimensional spatial forms that surround a person in everyday practical activities. It also includes elements of sketch geometry (theoretical foundations of drawing drawings of geometric figures), technical drawing (compilation of drawings of products) and machine graphics. The main task of engineering graphics is the study of the laws of the technical forms representation. In other words, engineering graphics teaches you to read and design and build blueprints. The main task of the engineering graphics course is to teach students to correctly depict simple products on a drawing and to read the drawings of these products. It determines the role, place and content of this course as an educational discipline. As a result of studying engineering graphics, a student should acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities that an engineer will need to express a technical opinion with the help of a drawing, as well as to understand the design and operation principle of the depicted product from the drawing. In today's world, the relevance of such professions as technology technician, design technician, electromechanical technician, electronics technician, foreman, shop manager is actively growing, these specialists are in demand on the labor market. For the preparation of these specialists, knowledge of the «alphabet of construction» is required. It is, first of all, engineering graphics. The designer must be able to draw well, perform complex graphic constructions, clearly present the graphic work he performs in space.
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