Operational restructuring of the enterprise under uncertainty conditions


  • М.А. Melnik Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv city




restructuring, change, enterprise, adaptation, uncertainty, risk, optimization


The characteristic features of the modern stage ofmanagement, which is characterized by unpredictabilityand uncertainty, are considered. It is substantiated thatnew challenges require a change in approaches to theuse of management tools, one of which is operationalrestructuring. It has been studied that it is extremelyrelevant to study the experience of using restructuring tosolve modern problems and to form an updated model ofit taking into account the needs of a specific enterprise.It was determined that according to modern views on theproblems of survival of enterprises under restructuring,one should understand the objectively necessary processof periodic qualitative transformations in order to ensuresustainable functioning and development. It wasdetermined that the purpose of restructuring theenterprise is such changes in its structural componentsand their connections that will allow maintaining stablefunctioning in new conditions when the usualmanagement mechanisms do not work. The peculiaritiesof operational and strategic restructuring are outlinedand it is proved that operational restructuring plays adecisively important role in conditions of uncertainty.The main directions of reform during operationalrestructuring are defined and the description of its tasksis provided. The list of activities carried out duringrestructuring is revealed. It was revealed that aqualitatively conducted operational restructuring allowsthe enterprise to improve the results of its activity in alimited period. It is proven that in modern conditions, alldecisions are made under conditions of risk. The maineconomic risks accompanying the restructuring processare outlined and measures to minimize them aredetermined for each risk. The indicators of the company'sactivity are determined, the change of which indicates thesuccess of the restructuring process. The desired finalgoal of the operational restructuring project is revealed.The algorithm for operational restructuring is defined,which consists of 8 stages. The specificity of therestructuring methodology is emphasized, which dependson the characteristics of the enterprise, the industry andthe specific circumstances of the transformation. It isemphasized that restructuring can act as a tool forincreasing the efficiency of the enterprise.


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